Program Specialists Services
The EV SELPA provides professional learning opportunities and training for staff, parents and community members through our Program Specialist services. To efficiently meet the needs of each district in the East Valley SELPA, the Program Specialists serve as a resource to administrators, general education teachers, special education teachers, related services personnel, students, and parents, and are under the direction and supervision of the SELPA Program Manager, Regional Services. The services they provide include:
- Training: provide training to regular and special education teachers, instructional aides, administrators and parents on a variety of topics based on specific needs or requests
- Data Governance: assist in data monitoring and provide training and assistance based on current data trends
- Compliance Monitoring: serve as an advisory member of the district's CIM team to provide support and guidance on new requirements
- Instructional Techniques: demonstrate specific instructional techniques or the use of specific materials
- Inclusion/Collaboration: provide coaching to teachers, parents and students in providing integration of special education students into regular education classrooms or the community
- LCAP Consultation: annual consultation on the inclusion of students with disabilities in the district's LCAP development
- Alternative Dispute Resolution: coordinate parent alternative dispute resolution requests to determine the best approach to resolve concerns
- Coaching: provide targeted support to special education staff in the implementation of new skills
- Office Hours: provide weekly office hours to answer questions, problem-solve unique situations, and guide the development of compliant IEP.